
Rie Dalsgaard – HUMAN LEADERSHIP Facilitator

If you are an ambitious and compassionate top manager and need – or desire – to create significantly better results in a shorter time, there is no way around HUMAN LEADERSHIP.

Enroll the course here

Are you dreaming of making a quantum leap in your leadership role and succeeding at a new level without sacrificing your health, leisure time and family life?

My intention with the concept of HUMAN LEADERSHIP is to lift the leadership of people out of the academic mists and down to earth, where it belongs. Down at eye level. In presence. Presence where you bring both your sharp BRAIN and your big HEART to work, so that you can provide the ambitious and compassionate management support that your employees need in all development and change processes.

  • Do you know that you could benefit from standing stronger as YOU in your leadership role?
  • Would you like to be better at embracing and managing all your employees?
  • Do you want or need to boost the results you set out to create through your employees?
  • Are you frustrated by the eternal race against time – and afraid of misprioritizing?
  • Do you miss a safe forum – with like-minded leaders – for training your leadership power?

If YES, then the HUMAN LEADERSHIP course is for you!

The leadership development course is based on the concepts from the book “HUMAN LEADERSHIP – 5 shortcuts to ambitious results and a life you won’t regret”. The course gives you the “mindset, skillset and toolset” to BOTH thrive AND succeed – personally, privately and professionally. It is an intense 3-day course plus preparation, subsequent online Q&A and partner training.

The three days are composed in this way:

  • day 1 The 4 Key Concepts of HUMAN LEADERSHIP
    (Introduction, Understanding Leadership and People, Make a Wholehearted Decision)
    (Be a voice, Be a role model for healthy and effective behavior)
    (Make a positive difference via the 6 management skills; Relationships, Direction, Frameworks, Rhythm, Rules and Results)


(2-3 weeks before start)

You will receive the pre-work by email a few weeks before our first workshop day. It is a short webinar and a PDF with a short introduction to the program for the three workshop days, tasks and reflection questions. The preparation takes 1-2 hours and is a “warm-up” to get the most out of the HUMAN LEADERSHIP workshop. First of all, congratulations on the decision to raise your leadership to a new level where you BOTH thrive AND succeed – personally, privately and professionally.


(From 09.00-16.00 incl. catering)

We meet for 3 intense days with a focus on training the new thoughts and new actions that produce the new results. Which BOTH gives you ambitious results AND a life you won’t regret. And which enables you to help your team do the same. The purpose of our physical meetings is to train outside the comfort zone in a safe and exclusive group of like-minded people.


(Q&A – exclusive to the group)

3 weeks after the workshop, you and the team get access to my personal 1:1 coaching and sparring at an online meeting for the team. In addition to the personal sparring, it is extremely rewarding to listen to the other people’s questions and answers, as we as managers (and people) often face the same challenges. The online meeting lasts 1-2 hours (depending on the number of questions) and will be recorded so you can listen to it if you´re unable to join live.

Who is the course for?

The HUMAN LEADERSHIP course is for ambitious and compassionate leaders (both public and private). It is for managers who, despite various educations, have learned that it requires something more to execute the strategy through other people. It is for managers who know that the potential is greater – and who are now ready to unfold it. Without compromising on other roles in life.

The HUMAN LEADERSHIP course is for leaders who are ready to act – to both think, feel and act in new ways. If you need a lot of theory and academic discussions without changing your behavior, the course is not for you.

– Each team will be exclusive to up to 16 managers.

HUMAN LEADERSHIP is for ambitious and compassionate leaders who are all committed to new learning and ready to train outside their comfort zone, so that both leadership and results get a visible boost in the process.

    Hør mere om forløbet

    Indtast dine informationer og hør mere om Human Leadership forløbet. Jeg vender tilbage på din henvendelse indenfor 24 timer.

    As a leader, your primary task is to create results via other people.

    Therefore, there are great similarities between being a good leader and a good executive coach/results facilitator. As an executive coach, my main task is to see your and/or the team’s potential and facilitate that the potential unfolds.

    When you consciously spend your time in your leader role on what creates the highest value, it shows in the results!

    DAY 1

    The shortest way to create significantly better results as a leader is to unfold the untapped human potential. Unleash the potential that exists in you and your people, individually and collectively. Regardless of which industry you operate in – and perhaps are an expert in – your primary industry as a leader is “people business”. Therefore, day 1 is about learning about people, leadership and decisions.


    mindset and approach

    As HUMAN LEADERS, we know that the human potential is far greater than what most of us are living. We learn to tap into that potential, so that we can individually and collectively surpass ourselves – and create significantly better results without it being at the expense of health, leisure time and family life. With HUMAN LEADERSHIP, we take a shared responsibility for reversing the well-being curves, so that stress and long-term sick leave are minimized. We do this with an ambitious and compassionate BOTH-AND mindset and management support.


    FROM Non-leadership
    TO Understand Leadership & People

    The purpose of HUMAN LEADERSHIP is to bring leadership out of the academic fog and down to eye level. Managing people is a practical discipline that requires a person to be present in the leadership role. A person who wants to work with people and behavior. As a leader your task is to make a positive difference so that your team delivers better results than without you. In practical terms, it is about helping yourself and the team to create flow in the Human Performance System™.


    FROM The hamster wheel
    TO Make a Wholehearted Decision

    As a specialist, we deliver the results ourselves. As a leader, our primary task is to create results through and together with others. It requires a major change in mindset. Typically, we accept the leadership role without knowing that we have been promoted to incompetence. That we must leave the comfortable specialist stage to enter the leadership stage, change focus and learn a lot of new things. Only when you have made a wholehearted decision that leadership is your new specialty, can you leave the hamster wheel and succeed in the leadership role.

    DAY 2

    As a leader, YOU are your most important management tool. Therefore, day 2 gives you the mindset, skillset and toolset to stand strong as you in the leadership role. Initially, it is about knowing yourself and your leadership dreams so well that you can create a solid leadership foundation. In addition, it is about leading yourself to achieve your ambitious goals, both personally, privately and professionally. And last but not least to “empower” yourself, to give yourself the support you need to dare to allow yourself success on an even higher level.


    and questions

    We start day 2 with review and questions for yesterday’s program as well as repetition of the tools The Human Performance System™ and The Potential Zone™. And everyone gets the opportunity to repeat their wholehearted decision about leadership before we really get down to business with the HUMAN LEADERSHIP transformation via The Leadership Wheel™. Good leadership starts from the inside out with Be a Voice and Be a Role Model before you can Make a Positive Impact.


    FROM Roleplaying game
    TO Be a Voice

    If you think of management as a role-playing game, you become an echo. Not a voice. When you own your leadership identity stronger than your specialist identity, it is easier to be a voice. To become a voice, you must know yourself and your values very well, and you must become aware of the kind of leader you dream of being. We work with that on day 2 and you get to write the first draft of your own leadership foundation.


    FROM The time illusion
    TO Be a Role Model

    From the heart, you have now created a solid position for yourself in the leadership role. Now it’s about how you use your time and energy. Both parts cannot be reused! It is crucial that you consciously flip The Time Pyramid™ and spend your time where you create maximum value in the leadership role. It is crucial that you are a good role model for healthy and effective behavior, because your behavior has a ripple effect.

    DAY 3

    Walking the talk yourself is the warm-up to unfolding the potential of the team. “Empowering people” is the key to creating significantly better results and thus lifting you to the next level in your leadership. Via The Leadership Wheel™, we work to Be a Voice, Be a Role Model (for healthy and effective behavior) and Make a Positive Impact via the 6 management skills; Relationships (create trust), Direction (and ambitious goals), Framework (clearly align expectations), Rhythm (establish predictable structure), Rules (what behavior you expect), Results (facilitate the team to both thrive and succeed).


    and questions

    Day 3 we also start with a review and questions about day 2’s program as well as sharing of both big and small insights. In addition, everyone gets the opportunity to share the experience of presenting the leadership foundation and flipping The Time Pyramid™. In order to succeed as a HUMAN LEADER, it is crucial that you – from your big heart – know what kind of leader you dream of being and – with your sharp brain – lead yourself as a human being before you start leading others.


    FROM Buzzkill
    TO Make a Positive Impact

    A basic condition for many leaders is that even better results must be delivered year after year with the same or fewer resources. It is actually neither unreasonable nor impossible. But it requires that we are willing to see and unfold the human potential by training in The Potential Zone™ regularly. That is why we train the 6 management skills; Relationships, Direction, Frameworks, Rhythm, Rules and Results, so that we as leaders make a positive difference for the team.


    TO Thriving and Succeeding as HUMAN LEADERS

    Before the workshop ends, you will have created an action plan that will help you make your new leadership style a reality. In addition, together with 1-2 co-participants, you have created a structure where you both support, challenge and hold each other accountable in relation to the new results that you have promised each other to create. You cheer each other on all the way to the finish line, so that the transformation lands – and everyone behave as HUMAN LEADERS!

    Thrive and succeed in your leadership role

    • New level, new results: With HUMAN LEADERSHIP you take a shortcut to your new level in your leadership role and to significantly better results.
    • Investment: Participation in a 3-day course costs DKK 21,500 but if you enroll before May 15th (on any course in 2024) your price is DKK 19,000 including prework, 3 live workshop days with catering, 3 online Q&A calls and high quality workbook incl. all tools for your transformation.
      All prices are excl. VAT.
    • Questions: If you have clarifying questions in relation to the course, you are welcome to send Rie an email at rd@empowerpeople.dk.
    • If you feel that HUMAN LEADERSHIP is just what you need… then register now below to secure your spot.

    Q&A – ONLINE

    The purpose of our online Q&A calls is to follow your HUMAN LEADERSHIP transformation right to the finish line. Changing behavior takes time and requires sustained focus over a period of time. There is no quick fix here either.

    The 3 Q&A calls are biweekly – and the first call is planned between day 1 and 2 and the last two are planned for approx. 2 and 4 weeks after workshop day 3.

    Former participants – both new and experienced leaders – say:

    “This course is different. In the good way. Understanding that we are all “just” human beings and that we all let our comfortzone choose your actions is very helpful.”

    “I have made a wholehearted decision on succeeding, both personally, privately and professionally – and that has already made a huge impact on my life balance”

    “The penny dropped for me when I discovered that I didn´t own my leadership identity stronger than my specialist identity. Creating my leadership foundation have help me stand stronger on my two feet in my leadership role”

    “Having learned how to flip my time pyramid means that I now delegate all the tasks that do not belong at my desk. It gives me time to help my team both to thrive and succeed.”

    “Training the 6 leadership skills helped me realize that I need to become much more specific in terms of helping my team understand what success looks like. Otherwise, the quality of our 1:1 sessions become very low and I have no chance of ensuring progress towards our goal.”

    Start your HUMAN LEADERSHIP journey – enroll here

    Course dates(Påkrævet)

    My skills

    I hold an MBA from Copenhagen Business School and several certifications in leadership, self-management, coaching and facilitation (https://empowerpeople.dk/om/rie-dalsgaard/). My great passions are people and development, which is why over the past 20 years I have educated and developed myself for an average of DKK 75,000 per year.

    I have a background as a manager and business developer in various Danish media companies. Since 2004, when I founded EMPOWER PEOPLE, I have contributed as a leadership consultant, lecturer, facilitator and executive coach for managers and teams in both private and public organizations – and have over time inspired, helped and taught several thousand people. I am particularly passionate about helping leaders to both thrive and succeed at the next level so that they naturally help their employees do the same.